I have been using WYSIWYG for a number of years, and I have ESP.
I used someone elses Wyg, and hired a laptop when I needed it..... then when it came round to buying my own system I looked at various options.
Because I draw in Vectorworks, ESP (at the time) was the best product on the market for me. So I bought it. However, since I have found that ESP isn't quite as good as I origionally thought it was. I have also recently tried using ESP on Mac which is in my opinion poor and not even at alpha quality.
So, I moved on to Light Converse, and haven't looked back. Its an incredibly powerful piece of software. An NO YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION!! you pay your money and thats it!
The problem is that it doesn't yet allow you to import VW drawings, but I think they are working on this.
The videos are great in Light Converse too! I showed one to a band I am currently working with and they were blown away. That said, it renders them in AVI's, and my 1.23min video was 1GB!! And you can input content from a Media Server onto LED Screens, Projection Screens etc.
That said, I must say that WYSIWYG is by far the quickest thing I have ever used for quickly drawing rigs, and quickly getting trusses built, lights flown etc...
I have been using WYSIWYG for a number of years, and I have ESP.
I used someone elses Wyg, and hired a laptop when I needed it..... then when it came round to buying my own system I looked at various options.
Because I draw in Vectorworks, ESP (at the time) was the best product on the market for me. So I bought it. However, since I have found that ESP isn't quite as good as I origionally thought it was. I have also recently tried using ESP on Mac which is in my opinion poor and not even at alpha quality.
So, I moved on to Light Converse, and haven't looked back. Its an incredibly powerful piece of software. An NO YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION!! you pay your money and thats it!
The problem is that it doesn't yet allow you to import VW drawings, but I think they are working on this.
The videos are great in Light Converse too! I showed one to a band I am currently working with and they were blown away. That said, it renders them in AVI's, and my 1.23min video was 1GB!! And you can input content from a Media Server onto LED Screens, Projection Screens etc.
That said, I must say that WYSIWYG is by far the quickest thing I have ever used for quickly drawing rigs, and quickly getting trusses built, lights flown etc...