Newbie or Easy Question ESP Vision Visualizer

Hi knowledgeable hoggers, thanks for your advice and hand holding. I am sure this question seems silly but I can't seem to figure it out. I did a search on the website for visualizers and read the threads. I also read Wholehog's and ESP Vision's manuals.

Someone suggested I download ESP Visions demo and pre- program that way... Everything is running on my laptop and the network program in between says connected using loopback. I downloaded the Hog Demo show file and it seems to be loaded into ESP Vision (lights have some sort of pre programmed cues but I don't see in hog). Are the universes and patching pre-done for the file? How do you gain manual control (faders) using the demo program? IS there a way to program your own light show using the demo somehow and just updating beam positions?

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