Fixture builder

A Friend ask if it could be possible in fixture builder to create special lib that could not use change type function (and perhaps real world) but where we could give all names we want to all parameters, snap ...... and where we could put a beam parameter as position parameter in few words where we create all we want as we want :D.

  • I agree that this is a great suggestion, however the current architecture of the libraries limits us from simply adding this function to the fixture builder. We are looking at some library improvements in the future that should make this type of labeling possible.

    I strongly suggest that media server libraries should be created by FPS. The fixture builder is intended for simple libraries. WE can usually create a custom library in a very quick turn around once we have the DMX documentation. If you need a media server (or any other type) of library, please post the request in the library forum on this site.

  • I agree that this is a great suggestion, however the current architecture of the libraries limits us from simply adding this function to the fixture builder. We are looking at some library improvements in the future that should make this type of labeling possible.

    I strongly suggest that media server libraries should be created by FPS. The fixture builder is intended for simple libraries. WE can usually create a custom library in a very quick turn around once we have the DMX documentation. If you need a media server (or any other type) of library, please post the request in the library forum on this site.

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