Thanks to HES and a few other people, and ESP vision

Hey all,
This thread is me killing two birds with one stone. I want to thank some specific members and HES staff and also ask you guys about ESP vision. I have only been around here from september but the following people have given me an extremely large amount of help and respect.

The first person I wish to thank, is the one and only Brad Schiller. After reading Brads book, which is brilliant and I thouroughly recommend it to anyone, I contacted him for advice and guidence with my career. Without him I wouldnt be here right now. He kindly took alot of time to reply to my emails, (still does), and took time at PLASA 08 to introduce me to alot of people and show me basics on the HOG. So Brad, thanks! :notworthy: .

Next Marty Postma. Marty has replyed to alot of my threads and replyed to my PMs with advice etc. I mean he is famous! Check out the HES podcast he is in. Again Marty is a true professional around here, most of you are. So again, thanks :notworthy: .

Erik Steijvers. Another great member and a wealth of information. Thanks :notworthy:

Jon Griffin. Another member who has replyed to my threads with extremely useful and detailed information. So can you guess whats coming now... Thanks! :notworthy: .

Finnaly Chris Muenchow. Again another person who has replyed to my emails and PMs swiftly and with good support.

Seriously guys & girls I really look up to you and aspire to become an automated and digital lighting programmer of the future. I have only been using HOG software for a few monthes bit I am completely converted and I constantly try to convert others I come across. I think i can honestly say i will be using HES consoles, fixtures and servers for the rest of my career. :hogsign: and HES all the way! :headbang:


Now for some real work. I am planning to buy ESP vision and connect it to my HOG 3PC laptop. Now I know how to, as it is detailed in the manual and I have read it 3 times. What I want to know is, what do you guys think of ESP vision. Good, bad, worth the money? I am a student so I dont have alot of money at all, but I want to invest in my career. The software will enable me to practice programming and have something to show at the end of it. Also how user friendly is it? Can I program a show on it and assign & sync music to the visulisation? Can the show be burned to a DVD so I can play it on a DVD player and or IPOD?

thanks for reading guys,
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