Selecting Buddy groups

Just throwing this out there, maybe there is a way to do it now, if so, please inform me...!

What would you guys think about using, let's say, 'pig' + 'next' or 'back' to cycle through fixtures that are buddied together. For example, you have 6 lights in the programmer, with a buddy size of 2. When you press 'pig'+'next' it selects the first 2 lights (the first buddy group). Hit it again, it selects the next buddy group and so on and so forth.

When having groups w/ a particular selected order I may find this very useful for quickly moving around in the group. Let me know what the rest of you think, and like I said, if there is a way to do this, I'm all ears!
  • Just bumping this thread b/c I've ran into another situation where this feature could be real handy, and I'm not sure if this has been logged as an enhancement...? Do we have access to ideas that have been logged as enhancements somewhere on the site?
  • Just bumping this thread b/c I've ran into another situation where this feature could be real handy, and I'm not sure if this has been logged as an enhancement...? Do we have access to ideas that have been logged as enhancements somewhere on the site?
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