Am I doing something wrong or...

is this normal?

I am running our service off of one main cuelist...during that cue list I have a macro (GL...) to trigger another cuelist that is a chase. Whenever I advance to another cue in that main list, the chase stops. Well, it doesn't actually "stop", I just can't see it anymore. The chase is still running but the main cuelist took control of the lights back, so they stop chasing. I figured my way around this by adding another Macro into each cue that I want the chase to continue but the problem is, its throwing off the timing of the chase. Is there a better way around this? Basically, when I trigger a chase via a macro, I want it to continue until I send it a release macro.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!


Lisa Bullock
Lighting Director
CedarCreek Church
  • do you have those lights lights grabbed in the main cuelist?
  • Those lights start out on the main list, then when it gets to the chase part, the chase list changes the intensity, color and starts the effect. When I advance a cue on the main list, I'm not changing anything with those lights but it grabs them back...I'm assuming because it is a tracking console and its just reactivating the lights back to where I had them at the beginning. I was trying to figure out if there is a way to make the chase list have keeps controls of the lights until I release that cuelist because eventually, I need those lights to be controlled again by the main list. Of course, maybe that not possible and I just need to have several lists.
  • You can set a priority by opening the list and then press the options button on the upper right hand of the window. there you will see a priority setting.
  • I thought I tried all the everything in the "Options" area of the cuelist...but nothing changed. Is there a certain one that you know might work?
  • Lisa,

    This sounds like maybe a Latest Takes Precedence (LTP) issue.

    Use VIEW CUE on your Main cuelist and look at the VALUE parameters for those fixtures in the cue after the Macro cue.

    If any are colored RED then those are taking control back from the chase.
  • They are all blue. I'm advancing cues in the main list but I don't want the chase to stop. It grabs them anyways, which I assumed was because of tracking.
  • What are you chasing? Just intensity, or some PCB parameters too?
  • I'm chasing just the intensity. I was hoping there was some option that I had missed to make this chase continue until I released it. So far, everything I've tried hasn't worked.
  • As you have described the setup it should work.
    I'm doing the saem thing in a show right now.

    Do what Eric suggested, go into the options settings and increase the PRIORITY to like 20.
    Then when you want it to stop do an RL macro in the main cuelist.

    Also, make sure the Release on Other GO is not pressed.
  • I'm not in front of the boards right now, so I'm starting the Hog PC to see if I can find the options you and Eric are talking about. I don't think I've seen that area before, because I haven't found an option for PRIORITY. I must be looking in the wrong spot. I've had the HOG 3 for four years, the Road Hog for one year but have never had any training...there is ALOT I don't know! Thank God for forums like this.

  • Holy Cow! It's been right in front of me the whole time!!!! I never noticed the "playback priority" before!!! I tried everything else under options, but never saw that. Thank you both for your help! I'm an idiot!! : -)