Server shutdown

While shutting down my Road Hog this evening, after I had backed up everything to hard drive and usb drive, I got the following message:
The server has not closed down.

Press Wait to wait for 6 seconds.

Press Kill to terminate it now.

Terminating a process may result in loss of data and can cause corruption of the show stored on disk.

So.... pressing wait didn't help. Pressing wait again and again didn't help. I pressed Kill and it shut down. Now the question is how do I recover? How can I determine if it damaged my show? Should I reload from the hard drive or the usb? Should I just use the show on the disk? What caused this? I don't know of anything unusual that I did to cause it. Do you suppose it just doesn't like me, or is it something more ominous? I didn't say anything mean to it. I have always treated it with utmost care. Maybe it wants rough treatment. Perhaps it's masochistic?

  • Rick,

    I am not sure why this occurred, probably a process did not close out on the shutdown. However I doubt it caused any problem with either of your show files. You should be able to open either show on your desk.

    There is a chance that your show on the drive may ask you to "break a lock" to open it, and you can say YES to this prompt and then you wont see it again. This just means that a file is locked by the process that did not close and breaking it will ignore the lock.

    I am sure you console likes you fine, it was probably an odd timing thing that caused this rare screen to appear.
  • Rick,

    I am not sure why this occurred, probably a process did not close out on the shutdown. However I doubt it caused any problem with either of your show files. You should be able to open either show on your desk.

    There is a chance that your show on the drive may ask you to "break a lock" to open it, and you can say YES to this prompt and then you wont see it again. This just means that a file is locked by the process that did not close and breaking it will ignore the lock.

    I am sure you console likes you fine, it was probably an odd timing thing that caused this rare screen to appear.
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