Cue Wait problem

I have a cue with Time=0 (bump) that takes out some lights. It is followed by a cue with a Wait=0 so it should follow immediately. This cue brings up the same lights to a new value in Time=3. I want them to bump out and fade back up.

What happens is they never bump out. If I change the Wait to 0.1 sec, then it works ok.
  • [quote=amerson]I am creating a long sequence of timed cues. I used "wait" to link them because "follow" requires me to change the "follow" time every time I change the cue timing whereas wait does not. Is there a better way to do this? I don't have midi or SMPTE.

    I think we are talking about two different things....

    putting the word "Follow" in the Wait cell of a cue (or selecting Follow from the popup toolbar when pressing Set in the Wait cell) causes that cue to start once the preceeding cue has finished....there is no such thing as a "Follow" time on H3....unless you are talking about Delay perhaps:dunno:
  • [quote=amerson]I am creating a long sequence of timed cues. I used "wait" to link them because "follow" requires me to change the "follow" time every time I change the cue timing whereas wait does not. Is there a better way to do this? I don't have midi or SMPTE.

    I think we are talking about two different things....

    putting the word "Follow" in the Wait cell of a cue (or selecting Follow from the popup toolbar when pressing Set in the Wait cell) causes that cue to start once the preceeding cue has finished....there is no such thing as a "Follow" time on H3....unless you are talking about Delay perhaps:dunno:
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