Roadhog Broken Screen

The right hand screen in my Roadhog has mysteriously stopped working. When I start it up it gets power as the 'No signal Check cable' message comes up on both screens as normal, however nothing displays on the screen after that. When a show loads, all of the toolbars etc that should be on the right hand screen display on the left one along with the usual left screen stuff.

The touch screen part of the right screen still works as when you run your finger around it, the mouse moves around the left hand screen - however the calibration is now way out on the left screen!

I presumed the VGA had broken or come lose so I took the desk apart to find that all of the connections were intact. I unplugged the VGA out of the right screen and plugged it into an external monitor and even with a restart, nothing was displyed on this screen.

This leads me to believe it's either the VGA cable (which i doubt, as when I plugged in the external monitor, the self test disappeared, suggesting it was receiving a signal-just a black one) or the video card.

I noticed that the left screen seems to come out of the inbuilt graphics and the right screen comes out of removable video card. Could it be this video card that is Donald Ducked?

Anyone got any thoughts......desk is just being used for playback at the moment so not too much of a biggy....but programming the next show early in the new year is going to be impossible!

Also, what is the length of the manufacturers' warrantly as desk is about 18 months old - so outside a 12month warranty, but I'm hoping it might be a 24month warranty! (A long shot I know, but worth a stab!)


  • Joe, just as a word about what I had....we had a bad BIOS battery on our particular RoadHog. It wouldn't save the settings of the console entirely (ie one screen would not work), but did work enough to allow us to use the console. All the DMX outputs functioned, and technically we could program with it. So, the console did function, persay, just had a monitor that wouldn't turn on, but did show up in the beginning saying no input just as said above.

    Basically, all the things that he said about the external display card simply not outputing were the same too, as well as a screen not working when the system finally started up.

    That's just my suggestion on it with the BIOS battery, but it could be wrong too. It's just a real inexpensive fix if that's the issue.
  • Joe, just as a word about what I had....we had a bad BIOS battery on our particular RoadHog. It wouldn't save the settings of the console entirely (ie one screen would not work), but did work enough to allow us to use the console. All the DMX outputs functioned, and technically we could program with it. So, the console did function, persay, just had a monitor that wouldn't turn on, but did show up in the beginning saying no input just as said above.

    Basically, all the things that he said about the external display card simply not outputing were the same too, as well as a screen not working when the system finally started up.

    That's just my suggestion on it with the BIOS battery, but it could be wrong too. It's just a real inexpensive fix if that's the issue.
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