record to playbacks not working


In hog3PC I try to record Intensity on a fader.
When pressing record, selecting the choose button, the command line displays 'Record Master???'
In control panel - wings, console wing is 'not connected'.
Same for other information that I want to record.
Direct record to a listnumber is working fine

Complete new show, only patching done.

Any idea?
  • Just create a new show, patch some fixtures, select fixtures, set a parameter and record to one of the onscreen masters.

    It's happening all the time when recording to one of the onscreen faders even with a complete new show.
    Recording to a cuelist is working fine.
    Was able to reproduce it all the time; with different fixtures, different parameters.

    The other issue that Fons is describing is also happening under the same conditions. Just 'move list x to onscreenfader' is giving an odd number in the command line.

    Only occuring under Vista here, under XP no issues, so far.
  • Just create a new show, patch some fixtures, select fixtures, set a parameter and record to one of the onscreen masters.

    It's happening all the time when recording to one of the onscreen faders even with a complete new show.
    Recording to a cuelist is working fine.
    Was able to reproduce it all the time; with different fixtures, different parameters.

    The other issue that Fons is describing is also happening under the same conditions. Just 'move list x to onscreenfader' is giving an odd number in the command line.

    Only occuring under Vista here, under XP no issues, so far.
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