record to playbacks not working


In hog3PC I try to record Intensity on a fader.
When pressing record, selecting the choose button, the command line displays 'Record Master???'
In control panel - wings, console wing is 'not connected'.
Same for other information that I want to record.
Direct record to a listnumber is working fine

Complete new show, only patching done.

Any idea?
  • OK. I just ran H3PC to have a go. I got the usual "record master X". I did get "record cue 2". But that was only becuase I acidently pressed the same master again. Can you get a repro? If you cant maybe it was a one off. I usually try to get a repro of a problem 10 times in at least 3 seperate shows. After that if I cannot reproduce it, then I deem it a one off.

    Let us know :),
  • OK. I just ran H3PC to have a go. I got the usual "record master X". I did get "record cue 2". But that was only becuase I acidently pressed the same master again. Can you get a repro? If you cant maybe it was a one off. I usually try to get a repro of a problem 10 times in at least 3 seperate shows. After that if I cannot reproduce it, then I deem it a one off.

    Let us know :),
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