record to playbacks not working


In hog3PC I try to record Intensity on a fader.
When pressing record, selecting the choose button, the command line displays 'Record Master???'
In control panel - wings, console wing is 'not connected'.
Same for other information that I want to record.
Direct record to a listnumber is working fine

Complete new show, only patching done.

Any idea?
  • It's a reoccuring issue. When you're not able to record to a fader, next attempts will fail as well.

    - start new show, filename doesn't matter
    - add fixtures (nbr of fixtures or type doesn't matter)
    - select fixtures
    - set a parameter, for example Intensity or turn wheelset for a beam/colour parameter
    - record to an onscreen fader 'choose button 2 - 9'>
    - system will display in the command line: record master???

    Same issue on Vista, XP and one macbookPro running vista under bootcamp. Even new installs (and after rebooting)
  • It's a reoccuring issue. When you're not able to record to a fader, next attempts will fail as well.

    - start new show, filename doesn't matter
    - add fixtures (nbr of fixtures or type doesn't matter)
    - select fixtures
    - set a parameter, for example Intensity or turn wheelset for a beam/colour parameter
    - record to an onscreen fader 'choose button 2 - 9'>
    - system will display in the command line: record master???

    Same issue on Vista, XP and one macbookPro running vista under bootcamp. Even new installs (and after rebooting)
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