hog 3 for vista

I am having problems getting Hog3 to run on 2 different Vista computers with a usb widget. I can bring up the Hog start menu but when I load a new show it won't start the show server. Has anyone figured this out yet. High End doesn't have an answer yet.


  • Another question about HogIII on Vista, I am trying to build a fixture for a cheap LED Par I got my hands on. it's 5 channels Dimmer Red Green Blue Strobe, in that order, everything is 0-255 nothing weird, So when I finish the fixture, I hit Build Type, I get the message "Failed to add type to database".

    Any Ideas?

    Also when just copying an existing fixture and hitting build type, there is a fatal error and the software crashes
  • Another question about HogIII on Vista, I am trying to build a fixture for a cheap LED Par I got my hands on. it's 5 channels Dimmer Red Green Blue Strobe, in that order, everything is 0-255 nothing weird, So when I finish the fixture, I hit Build Type, I get the message "Failed to add type to database".

    Any Ideas?

    Also when just copying an existing fixture and hitting build type, there is a fatal error and the software crashes
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