Hog3PC [] "class fps::exception" Error on New Show?

Hi everyone,

When I create a new show with Hog3PC (on both XP SP3 and Vista) I am getting a "class fps::exception" error window when the show has been created. Click Ok and nothing happens, although the apps remain resident in memory - no GUI or anything.

If I then exit ALL the processes (the ones ending in -golden.exe) in task manager, relaunch Hog3PC, and open the show, it seems to work fine.

It's just on the show creation I get this error, not opening an existing show.

This isn't really too much of a problem, but I am worried that the show is notbeing created properly...

Can anyone advise please?

Many thanks,

  • [quote=ericthegeek]Do you see anything like that? Those are the message that will be the greatest help for us if you see the message again.

    i noticed in the release notes a mention of stack trace dumps, but i've yet to see any. in the typical "class fps::exception" handler box, i do see a little colon after the thread id, suggesting that a stack trace should follow, but alas, i get a whole lot of nothing.
  • [quote=ericthegeek]Do you see anything like that? Those are the message that will be the greatest help for us if you see the message again.

    i noticed in the release notes a mention of stack trace dumps, but i've yet to see any. in the typical "class fps::exception" handler box, i do see a little colon after the thread id, suggesting that a stack trace should follow, but alas, i get a whole lot of nothing.
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