Hi everyone,
I'm making my way over to Hog 3 right now (sorry, I love Hog 2, and it was what was available for-EVER), and I'm teaching myself. I run a WYG R 22 setup in my office, and I keep getting a very weird error, and WYG stops talking to Hog 3 PC.
If I reboot my machine, it usually fixes everything for a while; I've noticed that if I close WYG and close Hog 3 PC a few times during the course of the day, Hog and WYG stop talking. I'm using Wholehog DP v1.08, Hog 3 PC v3.0.0, and XP Pro SP3. I'm not a dope with networking or XP config, I've checked all of the things I can think to check - the only thing that solves my connectivity problem is a reboot. Is this a connection problem? Is something that I'm doing when I close the program down screwing up the server?
It's very odd. I run both programs on a quad core, 4GB machine with a 1GB video card, if that helps diagnose.
Thanks! I've just stumbled upon these forums in the last few weeks. It's awesome here!