Hog3PC as remote client bug?

Hog iPC running the latest build, 3.0, running as show server
Hog3PC on Windows XP machine running latest build as client

I was doing a cooperate gig last week, and had my iPC setup behind the stage and using my laptop to run the show remotely. As I was setting up, updating palettes and such on the client Hog PC, there was some unexpected behavior occur whenever I updated a scene, palette, etc. After the update took, a few of my fixtures defaulted at 25% intensity. Nothing was active, nothing in an editor. I had complete control still, but whenever I released those fixtures from any type of command, they would stay at 25%. The output window reflected this as well. The only way I could fix the error was to restart the show on the server side. This happened on my laptop running XP as well as my colleagues which was running Vista. Other than this, the show ran great remotely, which I was very pleased with, but the best part of remote control is updating information, which wasn't giving the best results. I've used this setup previous to this build, and this is the first time I've seen this.
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