Effect on fader (again)

Hi Guys.
i searched the forum, and tried all of the tips you guys gave on doing this, but i can't get it working.

i need to get an effect on a fader, that will work from the position the movers are in, (like Avolites)

it seems possible, but i need a guy, that's got 10 minutes to talk me through it, with wich buttons to select, and what to do.. preferrably by MSN messenger.

hope anybody can find the time to give me a hand.

best regards
Emil Højmark
Light technician
dblux Event & tv production
aalborg, Denmark
MSN: Emilhojmark (at) hotmail.com
  • If you are changing the position from the Position Palette directory....then the Programmer is going to override what is in your cue. (which is what you typically want the Programmer to do if you select a Fixture or Group and then a Position.....you wouldn't want to see it still "wiggling")

    You need to have a separate Cuelist with your positions recorded into them (or multiple Lists....they can be virtual ones....or virtual Scenes as well so you can trigger them from the touchscreens and not eat up Masters).

    Hope this helps:)
  • If you are changing the position from the Position Palette directory....then the Programmer is going to override what is in your cue. (which is what you typically want the Programmer to do if you select a Fixture or Group and then a Position.....you wouldn't want to see it still "wiggling")

    You need to have a separate Cuelist with your positions recorded into them (or multiple Lists....they can be virtual ones....or virtual Scenes as well so you can trigger them from the touchscreens and not eat up Masters).

    Hope this helps:)
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