I have been playing with the new router that I got for xmas. And I cant get the hog pc to connect wirelessly with vista. It chooses a random address. Ican get it to work with the same hog build on a xp machine. Is this a fault with the hog os or another microsoft bug?
Are you trying to get back-up via MSC? Or multiple programmers on one show? A little more info would be good. How are the IPs, port numbers, console numbers and general networking configured?
I am trying to use my vista table to run the same show. I am trying to use the connect to show feature. I was hoping that it would be better to run then vnc. The issue is with the ip address the range is 192.168 and the console is making it 172.2. which is miles away for the main address range. I am hoping to use the tablet as a remote as I have a few shows where I cant see the main venue. I was hopping to walk around and fix it up as I go.
1- Make sure your wireless router has DHCP turned off. (this is what is probably causing your 192.168.x.x address)....either that or turn of the DHCP from the console and set your router to give out IPs via DHCP in the 172.31.0.x range with appropriate Subnet, then make sure everything is hooked in to the router.
2- Try assigning a static IP to your Vista tablet.