WHIII Some requests..

Be able to drag things like pallettes and lists etc in directorys. E.G if you want page 1 in the position of page 3 you could hold your finger down on the page 1 with the gaurd button pressed, (but the new "move" button pressed also), and just drag your finger across the screen.

Not sure whether this would come under "save console enviroment" but..
Be able to change the playback buttons on a cue by cue basis. E.G cue 1, flash button = flash, cue 2 flash button = tap tempo (when implemented), cue 3 flash button is "GO", cue 4 flash button goes back to flash. Things like page change options could change on a cue by cue basis, but have a default. (like the timing has a default in "preeferences")

This is a suggestion for a wholehog 4 :D .
Built in media server. The console can be used (with powered ethernet) to supply DMX, CMA capabilitys and power down the one cat5/6 cable. Also if the console is the media server also then you can view, change content etc. I know this will effect console reaction speeds etc, but by the time the H4 is released (asuming there will be one) you will be able to put in a TB HDD and things like 1GB graphics, 1000BaseT ethernet, and dual quad core processors all for the same price as the current hog.

Thanks for reading,
  • [quote=Cmy.dk;35492]Is there anywhere we can read about things FPS wants to improve the WH3 desk with?

    Id like to know how far we are from USB backup, and how long we must look at the ugly ZIP drive :-)

    It could also just be nice to know what the future holds at WH3.


    I'm sure there are timelines, but HES wont disclose them to the public.. the forums are public... So I would just wait and see or contact them directly.
  • [quote=Cmy.dk;35492]Is there anywhere we can read about things FPS wants to improve the WH3 desk with?

    Id like to know how far we are from USB backup, and how long we must look at the ugly ZIP drive :-)

    It could also just be nice to know what the future holds at WH3.


    I'm sure there are timelines, but HES wont disclose them to the public.. the forums are public... So I would just wait and see or contact them directly.
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