I just started playing with new software and was wondering if there is anyone having an issue opening the cuelist window? I press the button and it takes about 10 sec to pop up. Previously it would be instant. I will keep working the system see hwat else i can find. Let me know thanks
Sorry Tony, I forgot to ask...which console are you using?
If you're on the H3, the top left buttons on the left screen are views. There could be underlying windows that are also trying to open at the same time and they were recorded into the view.
As a test, close all your windows. Double click a choose button. Record that into a view (Hold record and press a view button). See if that helps too.
I tried it and no luck. I am running an h3. All the other windows seem to be running fine but the cuelist window is just delayed or slows down the whole system its kind of weird. Even when i go close the window it has a big delay to it. Once again all other windows reply instantly. Thank for you help. i will keep trying new things.