[quote=erock;43648]Out of curiosity, what hardware did you upgrade in your IPC, I'm assuming that this was not reccomended by HES?
Thanks Eric
There is a "upgrade-kit" for iPCs available. It is more a replacement-kit, you change almost everything in the iPC (motherboard, HD, timecode,...) After that you have the same power like a Roadhog. This kit is available from your HES-Dealer
[quote=erock;43648]Out of curiosity, what hardware did you upgrade in your IPC, I'm assuming that this was not reccomended by HES?
Thanks Eric
There is a "upgrade-kit" for iPCs available. It is more a replacement-kit, you change almost everything in the iPC (motherboard, HD, timecode,...) After that you have the same power like a Roadhog. This kit is available from your HES-Dealer