Coemar Infinity Wash XL Lamp ON

Hey Guys,
I've got a little problem with some Coemar Infinity Wash XL's. I'm using a Hog PC, running Hog 3 V3.0. I have full control of the fixtures Except for lamping on. I can go on the fixtures menu and change the lamp setting to ON (which strikes the lamp and ignores all DMX lamp info) and then I switch it back to STANDARD once the lamp strikes (which give me the ability to lamp off, but still no lamp on).
The Hog 3 is outputting a lamp strike % of 180. Fixture manual says it should be in between 171-255% for "Lamp On, Maximum Power" I called up the local distributer for Coemar in South Florida. And they tried it on their Compulite because they didn't have a Hog 3. They where able to strike the lamp at a % of 173-179.
Do you guys think this might be the issue?
I also was getting a "cannot generate" error from the fixture builder when trying to make pretty much anything.
I would have tried tweaking the profile myself if it wasn't for the error.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!
  • Make sure the fixture is allowed to recieve this message. Make sure a feture like DMX lamp on is active, I'm pretty sure that on the martin fixtures this can be the issue, check the fixtures manual for this. By having this function turned off, the fixture cannot do what you describe.

    Hope this help,
  • Make sure the fixture is allowed to recieve this message. Make sure a feture like DMX lamp on is active, I'm pretty sure that on the martin fixtures this can be the issue, check the fixtures manual for this. By having this function turned off, the fixture cannot do what you describe.

    Hope this help,
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