Hey Guys,
I've got a little problem with some Coemar Infinity Wash XL's. I'm using a Hog PC, running Hog 3 V3.0. I have full control of the fixtures Except for lamping on. I can go on the fixtures menu and change the lamp setting to ON (which strikes the lamp and ignores all DMX lamp info) and then I switch it back to STANDARD once the lamp strikes (which give me the ability to lamp off, but still no lamp on).
The Hog 3 is outputting a lamp strike % of 180. Fixture manual says it should be in between 171-255% for "Lamp On, Maximum Power" I called up the local distributer for Coemar in South Florida. And they tried it on their Compulite because they didn't have a Hog 3. They where able to strike the lamp at a % of 173-179.
Do you guys think this might be the issue?
I also was getting a "cannot generate" error from the fixture builder when trying to make pretty much anything.
I would have tried tweaking the profile myself if it wasn't for the error.
Any ideas?
Thanks for the help!