iPC Upgrade Issues

I performed a Full Install (8.3.0 - V3.0.0 (build 2417) and am having some issues...

1. There seems to be major latency when loading cuelists to faders. The command line shows (list 301 Move Master 10) and nothing happens. If I close the cuelist directorywindow it moves instantly. It has taken as long as 20 seconds to load onto the choosen master.

2. When running a cuelist, the bottom cuelist box doesn't always advance. The cuelist window shows the cues advancing, the output is correct yet the box seems to freeze. Again, if I close the cuelist directory window, the box catches up.

3. One of my touchscreens seems to have a flicker only when the cuelist directory is open. I have re-calibrated both screens twice when I noticed the problem but it didn't help.

4. Several times, when I touch the roller ball, the console seems to shut off. Both desklamps go out, all LED's go out and both touchscreens dim slightly. The output doesn't seem to be affected. When this occurs, it last anywhere from 8 to 20 seconds.

I will be glad to submit my show file, just let me know to whom. Thanks in advance to any help/advice....

email: scott@scottprestonlighting.com
  • Scott,

    It appears that you have multiple problems... I do not think it is all software related. I would guess there is a hardware problem with the front panel due to your comment #4. This could also lead to various software problems. I suggest that you contact our support department directly to have them assist with the hardware problem. 800-890-8989 or support@flyingpig.com

    In addition you may want to open the event monitor (OPEN + EVENTS) and see if the front panel is sending extra commands. This could lead to the problems you describe.

    Feel free to send me your show file via our uploader upload.highend.com but I think that the problems are due to faulty hardware. You could also try loading your show into Hog 3PC on another computer and see if the problems follow the show...
  • Scott,

    It appears that you have multiple problems... I do not think it is all software related. I would guess there is a hardware problem with the front panel due to your comment #4. This could also lead to various software problems. I suggest that you contact our support department directly to have them assist with the hardware problem. 800-890-8989 or support@flyingpig.com

    In addition you may want to open the event monitor (OPEN + EVENTS) and see if the front panel is sending extra commands. This could lead to the problems you describe.

    Feel free to send me your show file via our uploader upload.highend.com but I think that the problems are due to faulty hardware. You could also try loading your show into Hog 3PC on another computer and see if the problems follow the show...
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