Losing Fixtures (homing up)

I just setup a show with the new software 3.0.0 and as I was wringing out the system I noticed that I would have to grab and shake some fixtures before they would "Home" down. At one point I went away for about an hour and when I came back about half the rig was homed up again. The units immediatly find themselves if either pan or tilt is touched. Is this some kind of DMX hickup I am getting with the new software? Nothing else on this system has changed so I am not sure what else this could be.

I am using a Whole Hog III with Playback Wing and 2 External Monitors and a DP 2000 with the following fixtures patched;
12 Mac 2k Profiles
12 Mac 2k Washes
12 575 Studio Spots
12 575 Studio Colors

This problem is not isolated to any one type of fixture. I am routed through an Iso Splitter on each of the three moving light universes in the DP 2000 but I have never had this problem with this system before. Any suggestions?
  • This was only happening when the units were "released" and were not being sent any signal. Once they were in a cue or grabbed with a wheel they would respond normally. I can still send you the show but the problem only presented itself while patching and programming. I even started a new show and the problem presented itself again. We have never had problems with these Iso Splitters before and have used them for houndreds of other shows without this issue. It was only after this software install that I started experiencing this issue. I was wondering if I was temperarily loosing DMX somehow or if the fixtures just weren't recognizing the signal.
  • This was only happening when the units were "released" and were not being sent any signal. Once they were in a cue or grabbed with a wheel they would respond normally. I can still send you the show but the problem only presented itself while patching and programming. I even started a new show and the problem presented itself again. We have never had problems with these Iso Splitters before and have used them for houndreds of other shows without this issue. It was only after this software install that I started experiencing this issue. I was wondering if I was temperarily loosing DMX somehow or if the fixtures just weren't recognizing the signal.
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