(2417) Bug Report: Desktop and front panel freeze

V3.0.0 b2417
1 - Hog III
1 - X-Wing
2 - DP 2000
ESP Vision

Issue - I have a cue list that is firing other cue lists during a song. When these two lists are fired, the desktop locks up as well as the front panel (choose buttons, ICBF buttons). Playback is not affected and the main go button still works. The two lists that are being fired are both set as cue only, reset on release, release on next go. One of them is a 4 step chase, the other is an FX intensity chase. The cue stack looks like this....

Cue 1 GL3 (4 step chase)
Cue 2 GL4 (FX intensity)
Cue 3 GL3
Cue 4 GL4

I use this sequence a few times during the song and each time it will lock up the desktop. The desktop will eventually un-freeze and catch up to the cue, but it takes up to 45 seconds for that to happen.

Initally, I was firing the 4 step chase and intensity chase manually (go off zero, or using flash buttons) and was seeing the same thing. I initally thought that maybe the button presses were confusing the desk so I set it to fire automatically and still had the same results.

I have other cue lists that also fire other lists, but this is the only one that has this problem.
  • Hi,
    Ok cool i thought i'd mention it because i've seen a Hog III with a Dp2000 and Roadhog FB freeze (both of which were running v3) completly if i have the output window open and then become responsive again shortly after it was closed.
    Sfeer can you try the same process with the output closed to see if the same thing happens with the console
    jon point taken.
    I'm not suggesting this has anything to do with q's being released as per the first post.

    best C
  • Hi,
    Ok cool i thought i'd mention it because i've seen a Hog III with a Dp2000 and Roadhog FB freeze (both of which were running v3) completly if i have the output window open and then become responsive again shortly after it was closed.
    Sfeer can you try the same process with the output closed to see if the same thing happens with the console
    jon point taken.
    I'm not suggesting this has anything to do with q's being released as per the first post.

    best C
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