change fixture order in output window

Is it possible to change the fixture-order in the output window?

Now the fixtures show up in blocks of patchorder, but I'd like have a different view.
Now I have at first the deskch, then 108 RGB fix, and all the way down the moving fix. But that means during programming shows I have to scroll a lot ( or click the top-row buttons yes I know) to see whats's happening.
Would be nice to have deskch. and moving-fix in 1 view.

Click and drag?

  • hi,

    now it works, but with "human delay":
    I adjusted the priority and saved the view. After closing all windows I pressed the view I just recorded, and all the windows came to the right position, but not the priority-order I gave in.... Then I pushed it again and the priority was correct.
    So I have to push twice to get what I want, is that normal?

  • hi,

    now it works, but with "human delay":
    I adjusted the priority and saved the view. After closing all windows I pressed the view I just recorded, and all the windows came to the right position, but not the priority-order I gave in.... Then I pushed it again and the priority was correct.
    So I have to push twice to get what I want, is that normal?

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