Hardware: iPC with A78NX-VM/400 motherboard, 2 x original 12" ELO touch screens, mouse & keyboard, no network connection.
Hi Chris, et al.
A quick note regarding a problem we had during v3.0.1 (re)installation on our iPC today. 1. changed video buffer to 8meg in bios. 2. full install of v8.3 from XPe image 3. upgrading ipcconfig v3.0.1 and h3pc v3.0.1 from thumbdrive via iPC config panel. 4. removing thumbdrive and rebooting the iPC. 5. loading the show from backup on another thumbdrive. 6. None of the cuelists would play, they would 'release' themselves immediately, but would step through the cues (no output). I rebooted the iPC, launched the show, desktop was 'not responding'. I removed the thumbdrive, rebooted the iPC, launched the show, and everything is ok... The thumbdrive didn't have any other files apart from another show backup.
Hardware: iPC with A78NX-VM/400 motherboard, 2 x original 12" ELO touch screens, mouse & keyboard, no network connection.
Hi Chris, et al.
A quick note regarding a problem we had during v3.0.1 (re)installation on our iPC today. 1. changed video buffer to 8meg in bios. 2. full install of v8.3 from XPe image 3. upgrading ipcconfig v3.0.1 and h3pc v3.0.1 from thumbdrive via iPC config panel. 4. removing thumbdrive and rebooting the iPC. 5. loading the show from backup on another thumbdrive. 6. None of the cuelists would play, they would 'release' themselves immediately, but would step through the cues (no output). I rebooted the iPC, launched the show, desktop was 'not responding'. I removed the thumbdrive, rebooted the iPC, launched the show, and everything is ok... The thumbdrive didn't have any other files apart from another show backup.