USB CD-rom for Road Hog

So I was on a show recently where we had a Hog 3 as the main console and a Road Hog (not a full boar, just the regular); and in order to back up to the Road Hog, we had to record the show to a CD-rom, then transfer that CD on a PC to the USB flash drive.

Is there a way that the RoadHog could at all be allowed to have a USB CD-rom attached to it? It's kind of annoying to not be able to just do a simple backup from a Hog3 to a RoadHog. I'm not asking for network ability or anything like that, as I realize it's a low-line console. I just would like the ability to either use USB flash drives on the Hog 3 console (which I know is in the works) or the ability to use a USB CD-rom attached to the RoadHog.
  • [;35493]It would be 10,000 times better that the WH3 supported USB backup.

    Then everything would be ALOT easier



    In the meantime of you really need USB bakcup on a Hog-3 simply connect a H3PC machine and Network Map your USB drive into the problem!

    Hope this helps:)
  • [;35493]It would be 10,000 times better that the WH3 supported USB backup.

    Then everything would be ALOT easier



    In the meantime of you really need USB bakcup on a Hog-3 simply connect a H3PC machine and Network Map your USB drive into the problem!

    Hope this helps:)
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