Some bugs (not traceable)

Had a sackful of bugs with the new software last week.
But all was sadly not traceable...

- Clear button often did not glow
- Sometimes no parameter button glowed (intens, beam, etc)
- after booting the console the programer layer didn't work. Only the recorded masters had any effect to the lamps (log out and log in fixed the problem).

Rembering one more:
- Had a few fixtures (52 dimm channels, 10 GLP Impression, 12 VL2500 spot, 6 VL 2500wash). When I scrolled down to the last fixtures (the washs) I only saw 2 of the 6 washs, but the scrollbar was at the end.
Only marking and drawing down the mouse let me see the last lamps.

And many more, but forgot them.

I nearly throwed up over the console! :footinmouth:

Sorry for my bad english -.-
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