[quote=Chrislim;34462]Hi to all Pls advise me I am a HOG 2 user going to HOG 3 now Miss the IFCB on HOG 2 How to make it hapen on HOG 3 pls advise thanks a million
Page 286 and 302 of the V3 user manual covers this. You may find it helpful to read the hog 2 - hog 3 theasaurus. Which can be found at www.flyingpig.com Also, there is a podcast "switching from hog 2 to the new hog O/S platform." Which can be accessed via the "viewing room" at www.highend.com
What problem ae you seeing? We will need a little more informtaion about the show, console(s), network devices etc. What exactly are you finding difficult with the hippo?