Burning show files to CD on a Mac

I have just had some files converted from Hog 2 to Hog 3 by Highend. They got them off the FTP sever. On to my MacBook Pro. I burned these files to a CD but the Hog 3 does not seem to see the disc or the files when I insert them into the console. I burnt some show files on the console to CD copied to the Mac and then back to disc again and have the same problem.
I guess that the Mac is burning in a format that the console can't read, if this is the case, anyone know a work around?

Many thanks!
  • [quote=Woodj32177;34485]My guess is that the mac expanded the compressed archive when the file was downloaded.
    I believe on a mac they way to download without expanding is to hold the control button as you click the download link.
    (But I might be incorrect)
    Good Luck!
    Joshua Wood

    The files I have saved on the console and moved to my Mac seem the same so I guess the ones I have downloaded are still compressed.

    The CD saving 2 shows on the console and copying them to another CD on Mac look the same and are of the same size!
  • [quote=Woodj32177;34485]My guess is that the mac expanded the compressed archive when the file was downloaded.
    I believe on a mac they way to download without expanding is to hold the control button as you click the download link.
    (But I might be incorrect)
    Good Luck!
    Joshua Wood

    The files I have saved on the console and moved to my Mac seem the same so I guess the ones I have downloaded are still compressed.

    The CD saving 2 shows on the console and copying them to another CD on Mac look the same and are of the same size!
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