Burning show files to CD on a Mac

I have just had some files converted from Hog 2 to Hog 3 by Highend. They got them off the FTP sever. On to my MacBook Pro. I burned these files to a CD but the Hog 3 does not seem to see the disc or the files when I insert them into the console. I burnt some show files on the console to CD copied to the Mac and then back to disc again and have the same problem.
I guess that the Mac is burning in a format that the console can't read, if this is the case, anyone know a work around?

Many thanks!
  • Darran,

    Also check to see that the show file extensions are all present on the CD... for example it should be "showname.hog3.tar.gz" Some programs will drop the ".gz" and then the console will not see the file as a proper show file.
  • Darran,

    Also check to see that the show file extensions are all present on the CD... for example it should be "showname.hog3.tar.gz" Some programs will drop the ".gz" and then the console will not see the file as a proper show file.
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