Name: Danny den Bekker
Date: 04-Jan
Software Version and build number: Hog 3 / 3.0.1 (2425)
Number of displays: 2
Connected USB Devices: 0
Networked Devices:
1 Dp 2000
Detailed description:
In my main cuelist I press the main go, to go to the next cue in my main Qlist that starts another list with an int. FX. The next Que in my main Qlist pauses the int. FX so that I can manually control the list. Then after two or three bumps of the int. Fx the console freezes out of nothing. Leaving me with two completly black screens and a small cross on my right touchscreen. Pig+open+Backspace does come up but I cant control anything because the touchscreens don't respond. So I had to unplug the power and wait for the console to shutdown so I can restart the show.
This is what I do:
M1 / Q235 (prepare) ---- This is where I start
Main Go
M1 / Q236 (intro) ---- This starts Qlist 46 with int FX
Main Go
M1 / Q237 (pauze) ---- This pauses Qlist 46
Then I manualy hit play on M3 where Qlist 46 is on two or three times
Console freezes
There are a lot of rgb led's in a slow int. fx in Q 236.
Because I had the same problem on saterday I tried to reproduce it today during rehearsels and soundcheck and it was all working in good order.
So saterday:fgd:.
sunday was fine
and today was :fgd:
I also had this problem a while back on the 2.6.something software but that was completly random. somtimes it was during a scene that lasts for 13 minutes were I have one que and somtimes during a song were I have multiple ques. But it was always ad random.
Updating to new software was the best option I had and it worked for a month and a half and now it returns.
EDIT: Saterday PIG+OPEN+BACKSPACE didn't respond