Hog3PC v3.0.1 9b 2425) Fixtures not shutting down

Hello, we recently upgraded to b 2425 and we now have an issue where our Xspots won't shutdown when we quit the show and application. It seems that they are still getting DMX, upon further investigation our Widget will sit there with the TX Mode and Link lighst lit along with the DMX Ok light blinking after we exit and quit the show.

If we shutdown and restart the PC the problem seems to go away until we launch the show. We have activites all thoughout the week so the PC is seldom turned off, this along with the phantom DMX issue has added hundreds of additional hours to our Xspot bulbs. We have done the control shutdown method for the Xspots but they never come back up, global reset, lamp strike, unless we power cycle them by climbing up into the catwalk.

  • Starting with version 3.0.0 all DMX output devices, including widgets, have a DMX keepalive. The output device will hold up the last look with a 2 Hz refresh for as long as it has power.

    In older versions, different DMX output devices had different behavior. There's been a lot of discussion about what is the "correct" behavior. We standardized on a keepalive for a few reasons:
    1: It allows you to log off of one show and load another without having to restrike lamps.
    2: If the 3PC software crashes, your stage will still have light until you can restart the application.
    3: It was better to have consistant behavior across the line that different behavior from various products (I believe the DP2000 has a 6 Hz keepalive rather than 2 Hz).

    You're best bet is to write a shutdown cue that douses the lamps on all of your fixtures.

    We've considered adding a "Shutdown DMX option" to the dialog box that comes up when you quit the software. It may be added in the future, but for now the only way to stop DMX is to remove power from the widget or DP.

    The Xspot should respond to a reset when it's in shutdown. Make sure your intensity channel is at zero and that you're holding the control channel at the proper value for several seconds. If it's still not working, give support a call. They know the Xspot operation much better than I do.
  • Starting with version 3.0.0 all DMX output devices, including widgets, have a DMX keepalive. The output device will hold up the last look with a 2 Hz refresh for as long as it has power.

    In older versions, different DMX output devices had different behavior. There's been a lot of discussion about what is the "correct" behavior. We standardized on a keepalive for a few reasons:
    1: It allows you to log off of one show and load another without having to restrike lamps.
    2: If the 3PC software crashes, your stage will still have light until you can restart the application.
    3: It was better to have consistant behavior across the line that different behavior from various products (I believe the DP2000 has a 6 Hz keepalive rather than 2 Hz).

    You're best bet is to write a shutdown cue that douses the lamps on all of your fixtures.

    We've considered adding a "Shutdown DMX option" to the dialog box that comes up when you quit the software. It may be added in the future, but for now the only way to stop DMX is to remove power from the widget or DP.

    The Xspot should respond to a reset when it's in shutdown. Make sure your intensity channel is at zero and that you're holding the control channel at the proper value for several seconds. If it's still not working, give support a call. They know the Xspot operation much better than I do.
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