Resume page activity problem

Im having a problem with macros setting pages the way I want them upon change.

You'll have to excuse my lack of exact syntax as I am at home and not infront of my console.

I am using an iPC with 3.0.1 (2425) software

My goal is to have the master fader q1 to play every time I switch to a given page.

I use the Page directory window to capture the activitiy (after doing a Goto Cue 1) to the macro section.

This doesn't appear to be doing squat. If I leave the page, lets say on Cue 5, and come back it does not revert to cue 1 as I would assume the function would provide. Instead, it still shows cue 5 as selected (even though the output does not show anything. Upon pressing Go on the master section, it jumps ahead to Cue 6 as one would assume.

Does this make sense? What am I doing wrong?

Untimatly, I'd like for every page to start with Cue 1 of the master section after I change pages and press go. It's been a while since I've been on a Hog II but I seem to remember it working that way.

Thanks to anyone that can help!

  • Two things to check:
    1) Restore Active needs to be turned on for that page in order for the RA macro to trigger. You can check this in the page directory window by looking for the RA icon in the bottom right hand corner of that page's cell
    2) Your RA macro should look something like GL1:1 or GM1:1. You can check this in the page directory as well by doing the list view of the page directory.
  • Two things to check:
    1) Restore Active needs to be turned on for that page in order for the RA macro to trigger. You can check this in the page directory window by looking for the RA icon in the bottom right hand corner of that page's cell
    2) Your RA macro should look something like GL1:1 or GM1:1. You can check this in the page directory as well by doing the list view of the page directory.
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