ipc hog 3 crash pallette timing and editing?

while recording clr palletes with timing the hog 3 software crashes and stops responding.

and while trying to open a pallette to edit.

what's going on. it has happened twice after rebooting????

is this hardware or software, looks like hog 3 software??


have quite an intense programming session coming up, will going back to hog 2 help, I don't know seeing its the same machine?
  • Recording shouldn't be a problem, but as I mentioned earlier if your palette was created as Per Type or Global, then trying to directly edit it will give you problems.

    Use the same sequence I listed above but substitute RECORD for MERGE when createing a new palette and you should be good to go from there.
  • Recording shouldn't be a problem, but as I mentioned earlier if your palette was created as Per Type or Global, then trying to directly edit it will give you problems.

    Use the same sequence I listed above but substitute RECORD for MERGE when createing a new palette and you should be good to go from there.
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