keyboard layout

Hi everybody,
I tried to send this bug a couple of times on different ways to flying pig, but got never any response.
So here a try again (wondering, why never found, cause this error is as old as I use the hog):

It is not possible to change the keyboard layout. I want to use the german layout. But as often as I change the layout in the setting as often the hog changes it back. I really hate this bug.

Am I the only one who don't want to get a Z when I press the Z button and a Y when I press the Y button?

Friendly regard,
  • Yeah the language of the manual is no problem, but I warn you, if you ever learn german, use the english version of the manual. The german is so old, I always read the english manual.

    I wrote an email to the local contact person of HES in Germany, but he didn't answer.
    I also tried to call him, no chance.

    I also reported some other bugs, in 2.6.0. In 3.0.1 they was still avaiblibe, didn't try it in 3.0.2 but I think they are still availible...

    I am a little bit sad cause of the support from HES :(

    I tried it @ 2.4, 2.6, 3.0.1, 3.0.2. Always the same.
    Wondering how you do that?
  • Yeah the language of the manual is no problem, but I warn you, if you ever learn german, use the english version of the manual. The german is so old, I always read the english manual.

    I wrote an email to the local contact person of HES in Germany, but he didn't answer.
    I also tried to call him, no chance.

    I also reported some other bugs, in 2.6.0. In 3.0.1 they was still avaiblibe, didn't try it in 3.0.2 but I think they are still availible...

    I am a little bit sad cause of the support from HES :(

    I tried it @ 2.4, 2.6, 3.0.1, 3.0.2. Always the same.
    Wondering how you do that?
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