Widget Upgrade Problem


I've upgraded my 3PC to 3.0.2
I would like also to upgrade my SuperWidget to 3.0.2.
But the Widget upgrader does not recognize the superwidget.
I've got the message: "No DMX Widgets found"

The Windows recognize the Superwidget, but can't communicate correctly.

Can somebody help me to solve this problem?

Cheers Tobi
  • Tobi,

    You do NOT need to update your widget. When you run Hog 3PC it automatically sends the firmware to the widget. The Widget Upgrader utility is for older single DMX widgets that were previously only compatible with Hog 2PC.

    My guess is that if you have not been using any v3.0.x software, then you might not know about the changes to the widget configuration. All information is detailed in the v3.0.0 release notes and the v3.0 user manual/help files. Also you can learn more in this video:

    Basically in the pre-v3.0.x software you would configure the widgets in the control panel. Now you need to go to the Network window to configure the widgets.

    If you still have problems, please contact our support department directly at 800-890-8989.
  • Tobi,

    You do NOT need to update your widget. When you run Hog 3PC it automatically sends the firmware to the widget. The Widget Upgrader utility is for older single DMX widgets that were previously only compatible with Hog 2PC.

    My guess is that if you have not been using any v3.0.x software, then you might not know about the changes to the widget configuration. All information is detailed in the v3.0.0 release notes and the v3.0 user manual/help files. Also you can learn more in this video:

    Basically in the pre-v3.0.x software you would configure the widgets in the control panel. Now you need to go to the Network window to configure the widgets.

    If you still have problems, please contact our support department directly at 800-890-8989.
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