Full Boar console crashing

Dear HES stuff!

I have trouble with Full boar console. XPE image 1.3.0. and software release 2440 (3.0.2.), patched 24 desk chanels and 10 moving heads.

First of all console needs 10 minutes to load system up. This time has extended when loading last XPE image on. My second urgent problem is that the desk is working perfectly but it often happens that is alive but no dmx output. Dmx values are changing but no effect! Only solution is that I restart the console.

There is no log file for that event.

Please help!

  • We are testing like mad here to try and track down the lost dmx issue. The best thing you could do now is upload your show file to us at upload.highend.com and let us drive around the show file. More than likely what is happening is that the server is getting busy which is choking messaging to the DP8K and leaving you in dmx keep alive (a 5hz dmx stream with no control) instead of completely knocking out your dmx output. The key is figuring out what tasks you are doing that are causing the server to choke.

    In the mean time it is not unreasonable to downgrade your desk to v2.6.0. Your v3.0 show file will load and work on 2.6.0 as long as you clone your DP8000 patch to a DP2000 and remove the DP8000 from the show.
  • We are testing like mad here to try and track down the lost dmx issue. The best thing you could do now is upload your show file to us at upload.highend.com and let us drive around the show file. More than likely what is happening is that the server is getting busy which is choking messaging to the DP8K and leaving you in dmx keep alive (a 5hz dmx stream with no control) instead of completely knocking out your dmx output. The key is figuring out what tasks you are doing that are causing the server to choke.

    In the mean time it is not unreasonable to downgrade your desk to v2.6.0. Your v3.0 show file will load and work on 2.6.0 as long as you clone your DP8000 patch to a DP2000 and remove the DP8000 from the show.
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