Full Boar console crashing

Dear HES stuff!

I have trouble with Full boar console. XPE image 1.3.0. and software release 2440 (3.0.2.), patched 24 desk chanels and 10 moving heads.

First of all console needs 10 minutes to load system up. This time has extended when loading last XPE image on. My second urgent problem is that the desk is working perfectly but it often happens that is alive but no dmx output. Dmx values are changing but no effect! Only solution is that I restart the console.

There is no log file for that event.

Please help!

  • Stefan,

    The bug itself is still open because we have not found a reliable reproduction of the bug. There are some code changes in 3.0.3 that may prevent the problem from occurring going forward, but we are still researching this bug as a high priority. Please let us know if you experience it again...

  • Stefan,

    The bug itself is still open because we have not found a reliable reproduction of the bug. There are some code changes in 3.0.3 that may prevent the problem from occurring going forward, but we are still researching this bug as a high priority. Please let us know if you experience it again...

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