DP-2000/DP-8000 Vs NSP


I should like to know how the DP work's with the Hog3? If it's in Art-Net or other protocol?
If it's in Art-Net, the NSP, from MA lighting, can work?

Thabk's a lot.
  • The data would usually be run from the same location as the dimmers when you are using that many DPs. The olympics in 2006 was the largest Hog show of its time with 4 Hog 3s and over 20 DP2ks. Your lucky enough that the head programmer for the event comes on here regularly, maybe he will pop his head in.

    Also watch the "switching from Hog 2 - Hog O/S" podcast. It clearly shows a good few DPs lined up and going in the HES office.

    Now that the DP8k is out, you can get 16 universes with the expander which only takes up the space of 2 of the predeccessor.. the DP2k.

  • The data would usually be run from the same location as the dimmers when you are using that many DPs. The olympics in 2006 was the largest Hog show of its time with 4 Hog 3s and over 20 DP2ks. Your lucky enough that the head programmer for the event comes on here regularly, maybe he will pop his head in.

    Also watch the "switching from Hog 2 - Hog O/S" podcast. It clearly shows a good few DPs lined up and going in the HES office.

    Now that the DP8k is out, you can get 16 universes with the expander which only takes up the space of 2 of the predeccessor.. the DP2k.

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