Releasing cue problem

I have a cue that is %100 Intensity, No Color, No Beam, Random Strobe. I have it set on a fader with the flash button to solo and to activate on press and release on releasing the button. What is happening is it is activating and releasing the first time, sometimes the second time, and never the third time.

For example: I have the fixtures (MAC 250 Entours) on stage in blue with a gobo. I hit the flash on the above cue and all works as it should. When I release it it goes back to the blue w/ gobo look, as it should. The second time it activates and sometimes goes back to blue etc. sometimes just goes to open/no color. The third time it always go to open/no color. It seems to just release the original cue whenever it sees fit.

Any ideas?
  • Just a thought on your flash list... Are your Assert/release times set at zero? could be that you are just triggering them too fast...

    the choose and go freeze up has happened to me and it turned out it was just the command line got so 'mangled' (lots of red text) that stuff just stopped working. Hit backspace and clear a few times and I was good to go (only realized this many minutes too late, of course).

  • Just a thought on your flash list... Are your Assert/release times set at zero? could be that you are just triggering them too fast...

    the choose and go freeze up has happened to me and it turned out it was just the command line got so 'mangled' (lots of red text) that stuff just stopped working. Hit backspace and clear a few times and I was good to go (only realized this many minutes too late, of course).

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