Wybron CXI and HSI Color Picker

Does anyone know if it is possible to use the HSI Color Picker with Wybron CXI color scrollers? There is a fixture profile, but it doesn't seem to be calibrated. Am I wrong? Is there a way I can calibrate it? I would love to have this enabled.

  • The Color Picker and Gel picker do not work with CXI scrollers. The CXI doesn't fit the color model of the console very well. It's not really a true color mixing device, but it's not exactly slotted color either; It's halfway between the two worlds.

    Your best bet is to create color palettes for each value in the CXI's gel table.

    Perhaps some of the other users on this forum will have a set of CXI palettes you can import.
  • The Color Picker and Gel picker do not work with CXI scrollers. The CXI doesn't fit the color model of the console very well. It's not really a true color mixing device, but it's not exactly slotted color either; It's halfway between the two worlds.

    Your best bet is to create color palettes for each value in the CXI's gel table.

    Perhaps some of the other users on this forum will have a set of CXI palettes you can import.
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