Someone tapped into the Road Hog, with the internal workings, fitted a tiny ethernet hub into the desk, where the network cable is (yes I saw it), and connected the cable back via the hub, but also mounted a chassis Ethernet socket onto the desk... for example..
Naturally, this would avoid waranty etc etc, but as the desk is basically a Hog 3, and it treats the first 4 universes as a DP, rather than fixed, and it runs on Standard Hog 3 software, and hasn't disabled the networking - would it be technically possible to use a DP?
Someone tapped into the Road Hog, with the internal workings, fitted a tiny ethernet hub into the desk, where the network cable is (yes I saw it), and connected the cable back via the hub, but also mounted a chassis Ethernet socket onto the desk... for example..
Naturally, this would avoid waranty etc etc, but as the desk is basically a Hog 3, and it treats the first 4 universes as a DP, rather than fixed, and it runs on Standard Hog 3 software, and hasn't disabled the networking - would it be technically possible to use a DP?