:mad: Ahh s...ht, thats pretty lame, if they can trust a pc with no nicely trimmed embedded windows to run 8 universes over usb, then silly me i taught the roadhog could do the same, as a matter of interest has anyone ever tried adding an extra usb to dmx widget? Sorry but quite disspointed with this, 4 universes gets eaten up quickly these days and if its a case of money dmx widgets aren't cheap, so it should be good for high end...... oh welll
:mad: Ahh s...ht, thats pretty lame, if they can trust a pc with no nicely trimmed embedded windows to run 8 universes over usb, then silly me i taught the roadhog could do the same, as a matter of interest has anyone ever tried adding an extra usb to dmx widget? Sorry but quite disspointed with this, 4 universes gets eaten up quickly these days and if its a case of money dmx widgets aren't cheap, so it should be good for high end...... oh welll