Show running very slow on iPC

Build 3.02
Hog iPC

I built a very small show for some guys who rented our console for a small gig, and I had some issues as did they while running it. I first built this show on my computer using Hog3pc ver. 3.02, but didn't actually program much, backed it up, and opened on the iPC to resume programming. I noticed while programming that the console was performing poorly in terms of latency. The on screen feed back was very slow to respond to cue firings and the whole interface seemed to just be glitchy (but the fixtures seemed to respond as expected, i.e. the feedback did not correspond to what the fixtures where actually doing). It eventually froze, so I restarted and it seemed to be fine. I left them w/ the console to run the show. Upon returning, they said the console froze on them once in the middle of the show, and had the same poor performance. I have since opened the show file and indeed, it is very slow and laggy. I've opened another much larger show on the same console and do not see the same behavior, but I created this show on the iPC, not my PC as I did for the glitchy one. So... all this info to ask has anyone had problems w/ creating shows on a PC and then transferring them over. I'll upload the show so you guys can maybe test it and see if there is something I missed or did wrong. I've done this in the past and not had problems, but that has been several builds ago....
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