Two Problems


I experience two issues with a Hog 3 yesterday...

1) When I copied multiple cues ie 50 THRU 60 COPYTO 90 I see the first cue (the copy of 50) appear within the cue list, but none of the others appear. I scroll down the list, and can't as Cue 90 is last. However, if I close the Cue List and then open it back up, I see all copied cues. Anyone else had this? Its a little bit of a pain in the *** to have to close the window every time.

2) During a song I went to change a view. When I pressed the view button, it managed to release the stack - managing to cause a blackout..... I will admit to touching the screen part to change the view, as opposed to the hardware button - but even so, it was a definitive press and did change the view - so I am utterly puzzled to how it managed to release the stack? Interestingly enough I did it a little later on, changing to the same view, and it was fine, no problems.
  • [quote=neil-NSLX;37157]1) When I copied multiple cues ie 50 THRU 60 COPYTO 90 I see the first cue (the copy of 50) appear within the cue list, but none of the others appear. I scroll down the list, and can't as Cue 90 is last. However, if I close the Cue List and then open it back up, I see all copied cues. Anyone else had this? Its a little bit of a pain in the *** to have to close the window every time.

    The proper sytanx for this should be:

    CUE xxx THRU CUE xxx COPY CUE xxx

    You need to press CUE a few more times in there, but it also might just be a refresh bug.

    [quote=neil-NSLX;37157]2) During a song I went to change a view. When I pressed the view button, it managed to release the stack - managing to cause a blackout..... I will admit to touching the screen part to change the view, as opposed to the hardware button - but even so, it was a definitive press and did change the view - so I am utterly puzzled to how it managed to release the stack? Interestingly enough I did it a little later on, changing to the same view, and it was fine, no problems.

    Changing a View shouldn't affect playback at all....what else were you doing at the time? Did you perhaps change Page or trigger a virtual List or Scene when you touched the screen?
  • Neil,

    Can't help you with the second one, but I get the multiple cue copy thing regularly also. I think it is a refresh error, if you just choose another fader then return you'll see the cues listed.

  • I think this bug has been around for a bit if you are not seeing cue's copied I just hit another choose button or list then go back to the one you were it first and the cue's are there,
  • yep, same with the IPC. Just choose another cue and then go back to the fader you were working on and all copied cues magically re-appear
  • For your tracking, the the cuelist redraw issue is logged as bug #5138.
  • The cuelist redraw problem has been around for a long time and occurs when copying or deleting cues. You don't have to close and reopen the window, you can just press Choose on the list to get it to refresh. We hope to include this as part of a windowing rework that is coming soon.
  • Hi Guys, thanks for the replies. Good to see something will be done about it, the problem has been bugging me for the last 2 years, I just never bothered to mention it....

    Whilst I am talking problems, has anyone here had any problems Dousing Mac 250 Kryptons from the desk, using them in Extended mode? Desk again is a Hog 3.

  • Neil,

    Regarding the problems with dousing Mac 250 krypton, I've also experienced this. But I only had that problem with two of my sixteen 250's. But I'm actually right now working whit a show containing Mac 700 spots and washes and two of the spots is refusing to oblige the dousing command...


    / Andreas
  • If its happeneing in only some of the fixtures, could it be a fixture firmware/software issue?

  • You've probably already checked this, but is DLOF set to "On" in the fixtures that are refusing to douse? If it isn't, they will not douse from the desk.
  • Probably, I've never really put my soul into this problem...

    But I would probably also blame it on the mac's.


  • [quote=Christopher Wren;37299]You've probably already checked this, but is DLOF set to "On" in the fixtures that are refusing to douse? If it isn't, they will not douse from the desk.

    Good point, but already checked this, so the best thing would probably be to upgrade their firmware


    / Andreas