Scenes vs. Cuelists

Forgive if this has been discussed, but I was wondering if scenes offer any advantages over cuelists, and if not, what is the idea behind them?
I am programming a new Full Boar using two touch screens, and I'm trying to use the screens for virtual subs. I have programmed a number of single-cue cuelists I plan to access from the touch screens, but it occurred to me maybe they should be scenes.
If there is a reason to change them, can I copy cuelists, including text, to scenes?
Also, I've noticed that touching a cuelist on the screen then hitting Enter will only sometimes execute the cue; about half the time I need to hit Enter two or even three times to get the cue to execute. Any suggestions for fixing this? Would scenes be any different?
I'd really like to be able to just touch the cuelist to execute it without then pressing Enter; I don't suppose there's any way to enable this?
  • Scenes can only contain one 'cue' or look. That is mainly the difference between them and VMs, plus there is no fader attached to a scene.

    You shouldn't have to press enter to trigger a scene, just clicking on it (make sure Guard is OFF) will fire the scene.

    Scenes are great for preset looks and effects. I have scenes programmed for different houselight levels for example. I have a scene each for House Full, 50%, Glow, and Out, each with its own fade time.
    I also have scenes that enable/disable Beam Time, modify strobe modes, and apply effects.
  • Scenes can only contain one 'cue' or look. That is mainly the difference between them and VMs, plus there is no fader attached to a scene.

    You shouldn't have to press enter to trigger a scene, just clicking on it (make sure Guard is OFF) will fire the scene.

    Scenes are great for preset looks and effects. I have scenes programmed for different houselight levels for example. I have a scene each for House Full, 50%, Glow, and Out, each with its own fade time.
    I also have scenes that enable/disable Beam Time, modify strobe modes, and apply effects.
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