Lamp Off Won't Stay Off

I have a brand new Full Boar, with 40 brand new moving heads, and I'm getting some weird business happening with my control, most specifically Lamp Off commands.
The last three times I've tried to lamp off my arc units after a show, they have lamped off correctly, then lamped right back on after I cleared the programmer. They were definite lamp offs, not just closed shutters/dousers. First I Pig-Released all cues. Then I would lamp off a group, wait 10 or more seconds, clear the programmer, and they would pop right back on. This would happen regardless of lamp/fixture type.
Tonight I tried it 5 or 6 times with the same results, then rebooted the desk.
Same problem, but now they wouldn't lamp off at all. Then I lost all control of the fixtures for a couple of minutes, then the faders with intensity would work but I couldn't grab anything in the programmer (the values would change on the encoders, but the fixtures didn't respond), then the programmer came back online. But I still couldn't lamp off fixtures. During this time I opened the launched processes window a number of times, and all processes appeared to be running normally.
I rebooted the desk a second time, and everything was back to normal. I was able to lamp off the fixtures without issue, and they stayed lamped off.
Again, this has happened three shows in a row, so it appears to be a regularly occurring issue and not just a one time fluke. I was afraid I had perhaps somehow recorded a lamp on command into a cue, but I had released all cues just prior each time, and I'm not sure even how that would be possible with the Hog's control interface.
  • Steve Denim completed some further testing with this bug and reports the following:

    I took the following fixtures, Martin MAC 2000 Profile, MAC 500 m4 gobo scroll,
    MAC 700 Profile extended and Clay Paky Alphabeam 14ch all of which I could
    repro this bug with.

    All the MAC fixtures have their lamp control channel share with other functions
    so I also patched the Clay Paky fixture which has a dedicated lamp control for

    It seems when 'Fade Changes' is enabled and 'Lamp Douse' is the active
    function/feature clearing the programmer will always snap to and assert the
    'Lamp Strike' DMX value briefly before snapping to the idle value.

    The quick workaround is to select 'Fixture Idle' after performing the 'Lamp
    Douse' and the programmer seems clear correctly. While this is clearly still a
    bug, users should probably get into the habit of returning the fixture to an
    'Idle' state after performing any fixture or lamp control operations.
  • Steve Denim completed some further testing with this bug and reports the following:

    I took the following fixtures, Martin MAC 2000 Profile, MAC 500 m4 gobo scroll,
    MAC 700 Profile extended and Clay Paky Alphabeam 14ch all of which I could
    repro this bug with.

    All the MAC fixtures have their lamp control channel share with other functions
    so I also patched the Clay Paky fixture which has a dedicated lamp control for

    It seems when 'Fade Changes' is enabled and 'Lamp Douse' is the active
    function/feature clearing the programmer will always snap to and assert the
    'Lamp Strike' DMX value briefly before snapping to the idle value.

    The quick workaround is to select 'Fixture Idle' after performing the 'Lamp
    Douse' and the programmer seems clear correctly. While this is clearly still a
    bug, users should probably get into the habit of returning the fixture to an
    'Idle' state after performing any fixture or lamp control operations.
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